
Thursday, July 1, 2010

I got the CALL - But that's just the beginning

Yes, there was a long journey from the moment I first picked up a pen and began PULL (Don't laugh, I'm still a pen-and-paper first drafter) until I found Andrea Somberg, my wonderful agent. I can't count how many drafts were involved, but there were numerous contests and queries. I never did pitch this one --interesting. I received form rejections and really nice personal rejection letters. I even wrote back to some, thanking them for their encouragement. Still a rejection was a rejection. Even after the story won first place in the Golden Rose and I learned the agent wanted to read the full I said, "Ah, another nice rejection coming." I sent it to Andrea, along with another copy in response to a request for a full after a query.

Then the magic began. Both agents wanted to represent me. It wasn't a real problem. One liked my manuscript, Andrea LOVED it. I wanted that kind of enthusiasm working for me.

After signing with her in January, she took on the job of pitching to editors. I took on my own issue. Unexpected bleeding that turned out to be more than just uncomfortable. In many ways 2010 has been like a novel.

An OUTER Journey:
  • Me vs. "tumor behaving badly,"
  • Me reading countless rejections - yes, even agents sometimes get form rejections.
  • Me obstinatly insisting that I would go on my planned vacation, in spite of it's nearness to my surgery

And an INNER Journey:

  • Learning that I wasn't alone as countless people rallied to help me
  • Learning to enjoy the rejections, especially when one said the ending was too predictable and another that the ending came out of the blue and needed more foreshadowing.
  • Learning that it only takes one acceptance, and having that come in March, 2010 as I sat alligator watching during that vacation.

The deal Andrea formed with Westside Books called for for the story I called Pull My String, and they renamed PULL, to be published in October.

October, 2010!

Next - The six-month race to the finish.

1 comment:

Liz Kreger said...

Great blog, Barb. I particularly liked the outer and inner journey. Very true ... all of it.