I'm neither a Type A or detail oriented, but somehow in the past week I attended the conference, set up an appointment with not one, but two oncologists (I'm the kind who has to have things double checked) and arranged for my medical records to be sent all over the place. I met with the first guy last Wednesday, the second comes on Tuesday. Apparently I have a Grade 3 tumor behaving badly cancer. (I never knew before that some tumors actually behave well). I also never before heard a doctor use the words "Aggressive" and "It can wait" all in the space of five minutes. See, he's going out of town - probably already gone, and can't do anything until the end of March. He has this great bedside manner, the kind that could say you have six minutes to live with a grin.
Anyway, I'll see the second one tuesday. Turns out I actually know people, a friend of a friend got me in to see one of the specialists at the University of Chicago. So I may find myself on the operating table a lot sooner.
P. S. This has not stopped me writing. I may even get a memoir out of this deal.