
Friday, March 5, 2010

Future Imperfect

Well, I have the word. I've been tested, re-tested, met with doctors and anesthesiologists, and th big day is Tuesday. Starting Monday I have to stop eating, head for the hospital on Tuesday morning, they put me to sleep and I wake up minus all the troublesome parts. Four to six days in t he hospital - I'll try to think of it as a strange vacation. Maybe I'll even find a way to make use of this in a book someday.

After that, a month of recovery.

I must admit I like this doctor batter than the first guy. Both are nice, and probably both equally competent. But there's only so much overwhelming optimisim this realist can take. If you need your hand held, the other one is perfect. Me, I'm a look me in the eye and give me the facts kind of girl.

Anyway, I'm off to the races.

Wish me luck if you get a moment.


Alice Sharpe said...

First of all, I just want to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed reading the first few pages of the YA you posted the other day. I didn't leave a comment because I figured there are just so many comments you need from people you don't know, but to heck with that. This story has stayed with me for days and had me musing about the hero's inner journey and hoping the boy has the inner stamina to get through the hurdles I can see lurking ahead. I write suspense and mysteries where plotting is key and when I see a character as well developed as this one is and will continue to be, it reminds me how all important characterization is, so thank you for sharing that.

Secondly, wishing you all the good luck in the world. Glad you found a doctor who can look you in the eye; I'm with you, too much jolly just gets spooky.

Good look, honey, take care.

Alice Sharpe said...
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Alice Sharpe said...

I hit the send button weird and sent the message twice which is why one is deleted. Oops...